Slangs Used While Playing Texas Hold’em Poker

Like any poker, games there are various slangs that are usually repeated by the players who play the Texas Holdem poker Game. These slangs are based on the cards the player is holding on. The popular slangs used while playing the Texas Holdem Poker game are:

  • Pairing of Aces or A-A is popularly known as American Airlines, pocket rockets or bullets.
  • Pairing with A-K is known with poker slang as Big Slick when there is an Ace with King in the hole while playing the Texas Holdem.
  • Having A-J card combination is usually referred to as Ajax and is also known as Black jack, Jackass.
  • A pairing of K-K is referred to as cowboys representing a pair of kings in the hole.
  • Combination of K-Q slanged as Marriage.
  • K-9 pairing is referred to as canine that means the player has King and Nine in the hole in a Texas-Holdem game.
  • Q-Q pair is known as Dames, ladies, Hilton sisters, divas, Roy, and Siegfried that represent a pair of queens in the hole in Texas-Holdem.
  • Q-J combination stands for a Maverick and Oedipus Rex.
  • Q-7 pairing is known as computer hand as previously the combination was run on a computer stimulator.
  • Q-3 pair is called the Queen.
  • The pair of J-J is slanged as jokers or hooks.
  • The pair of J and 9 is known as T.J.Cloutier.
  • 10-5 as dime and five
  • 10-2 combination is popularly named after Doyle Brunson.
  • A combination of 9-9 is referred to as Hooks of Meat.
  • 8-8 pair combination is referred to as Octopuses and snowmen.
  • 7-7 pair is known as walking sticks or hockey sticks.
  • The pair combination of 7-2 is a popular slang for the hammer.
  • 5-5 as pair is referred as presto, speed limit and Nickel
  • 4-4 as
  • 2-2 as
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Thus, players playing the Texas Holdem poker game normally use the above-mentioned slangs.